Troubleshooting Software

Pakar Software expert system berbasis Web menangani berbagai permasalahan software pada Operating System Windows.


Support Reference :

  • Fix-IT
  • Materi-IT
  • Microsoft
  • Dukom

Knowledge Base

Record of Problem Area

Article Record by Category

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Troubleshooting Record by Category

  • System Windows
    • T0001 - Slow System
    • T0002 - Logon Screen Problem
  • Bluescreen
    • T0004 - NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM
    • T0012 - DATA_BUS_ERROR
    • T0016 - BAD_POOL_CALLER
    • T0017 - PFN_LIST_CORRUPT
  • Driver
    • T0005 - This device is not configured correctly
    • T0006 - The driver for this device might be corrupted, or your system may be running low on memory or other resources
    • T0019 - This device cannot start
    • T0020 - This device cannot find enough free resources that it can use. If you want to use this device, you will need to disable one of the other devices on this system
    • T0021 - This device cannot work properly until you restart your computer
    • T0022 - Windows cannot identify all the resources this device uses
    • T0023 - Reinstall the drivers for this device
    • T0024 - Windows cannot start this hardware device because its configuration information (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged
    • T0025 - Windows is removing this device
    • T0026 - This device is disabled
  • Security
    • T0007 - Tidak ter-install Antivirus
    • T0008 - Firewall tidak aktif
    • T0027 - Terinfeksi Virus
    • T0028 - Malware pada Browser
  • Network
    • T0009 - Network Adapter Problem
    • T0010 - Connection Hotspot Problem
    • T0029 - Connection Modem Problem
    • T0030 - Localhost Problem
    • T0031 - Setting Browser Problem

Cases Record by Category

  • System Windows
    • C0001 - Sistem windows terasa lambat
    • C0002 - Not Responding dan hang
    • C0003 - Lambat saat akses aplikasi apapun
    • C0004 - Lama saat pertama menyalakan Windows
    • C0005 - Sulit untuk melakukan shutdown pada Windows
  • Bluescreen
    • C0007 - 0x0000000A
    • C0008 - NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM
    • C0009 - 0x00000024
    • C0023 - 0x0000007F
    • C0024 - DATA_BUS_ERROR
    • C0025 - 0x0000002E
    • C0027 - 0x00000050
    • C0029 - 0x0000007B
    • C0031 - 0x000000B4
    • C0032 - BAD_POOL_CALLER
    • C0033 - 0x000000C2
    • C0034 - PFN_LIST_CORRUPT
    • C0035 - 0x0000004E
    • C0037 - 0x0000009C
  • Driver
    • C0010 - This device is not configured correctly.
    • C0011 - Code 1
    • C0012 - The driver for this device might be corrupted, or your system may be running low on memory or other resources.
    • C0013 - Code 3
    • C0038 - This device cannot start.
    • C0039 - Code 10
    • C0040 - This device cannot find enough free resources that it can use.
    • C0041 - Code 12
    • C0042 - This device cannot work properly until you restart your computer.
    • C0043 - Code 14
    • C0044 - Windows cannot identify all the resources this device uses.
    • C0045 - Code 16
    • C0046 - Reinstall the drivers for this device.
    • C0047 - Code 18
    • C0048 - Windows cannot start this hardware device because its configuration information (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged.
    • C0049 - Code 19
    • C0050 - Windows is removing this device.
    • C0051 - Code 21
    • C0052 - This device is disabled.
    • C0053 - Code 22
  • Security
    • C0014 - Tidak ter-install Antivirus
    • C0015 - Ingin meng-install Antivirus
    • C0016 - Firewall tidak aktif
    • C0017 - Ingin mengaktifkan Firewall
    • C0054 - Terasa ada hal yang aneh seperti memori proses yang besar dan hal yang menggangu kinerja windows lainnya
    • C0055 - File ektensi .exe tidak bisa di buka
    • C0056 - Browser terdapat banyak iklan yang tidak tahu dari mana asalnya seperti muncul iklan pop-up di setiap halaman website
    • C0057 - Saat mengunjungi situs website browser menjadi lambat dan sering not responding
  • Network
    • C0018 - Tidak bisa melakukan koneksi internet
    • C0019 - Ingin melakukan konfigurasi internet
    • C0020 - Tidak bisa melakukan koneksi wifi, bluetooth dan internet
    • C0021 - Sudah terinstall Network Adapter driver dengan lengkap dan update
    • C0058 - Tidak bisa membuat hotspot sendiri
    • C0059 - Ingin melakukan konfigurasi hotspot
    • C0060 - Tidak bisa mengakses localhost
    • C0061 - Sudah ter-install software localserver
    • C0062 - Apakah ada port yang bentrok seperti pernah install IIS pada windows
    • C0063 - Akses internet sudah tersedia namun pada saat di browser misalnya internet explorer tidak bisa terkoneksi internet
    • C0064 - Sudah melakukan re-install browser


Count of Problem Area

History Record Problem

Troubleshooting count of problem area.

Pakar Software counting on 27 Juli 2024 Time 13:37:19 WIB :

Total Identify Problem 1637

Problem Resolved 1093

Unresolved Problem 544


Work Together Guys!


Asty Murniati

Pakar-Software, As Knowledge Engineer.



Pakar-Software, As Administrator.